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martes, 10 de mayo de 2011



Carolina: Hi Laura, how are you?

Laura: Hi Caro! I’m fine thanks, and you?
Carolina: Really, I am so sad.
Laura: Why?
Carolina: I am looking for some job, but it’s so hard to find .
Laura: I hope you find one very soon.
Carolina: I thought that my economic situation would improve in this country.
Laura: It’s so difficult, sometimes people discriminate you
Carolina: I know. Are you working?
Laura: yes, I work at a travel agency. But it’s not easy for me.
Carolina: Great! At less you earn a lot of money.
Laura: Not much. If you need some help, tell me.
Laura: I remember the day when I left my home. We all were sad but we had the hope that in this country everything would be better
Carolina: continue  telling me about that, something very similar happened to me
Laura: I left my family.  I came here without know anybody, and I felt very alone. Then I knew Miguel, he helped me get the job. Miguel helped me with the English, too.
Carolina: Oh, it´s very sad Laura, but My story was very different.
Laura: Tell me
Carolina: when I left my house for coming here I didn’t have much money... Then I crossed the border.
Laura: Oh my god
Did nothing happen to you?
Carolina: No, thanks to God.  Crossing the border is a really torture
Everything was more difficult when I came here, I did not know somebody
Laura: I hope everything improves soon. I know it will happen. Are you hungry?
Carolina: Yes, I’m. We can order mmm sancocho hehehehe.
Laura: yes, I like it!

Carolina Bedoya Castaño:

How many of us; do not have a friend, a relative or friend of a friend who is in the other side of the world
¿The reasons? Could be many, nevertheless the mean reason is the lack of opportunities that exist in our country. That’s for unfortunately in Colombia we don’t do want we want but what we can and for that a big  of fellow-countrymen make the decision of going out of the country to get lucky in a legal or illegal job; but with the hope of getting better theirs economical situation.
This week I heard a notice on the radio, which makes me pay attention; according to the office of the Census in The United States, the community hispana has a population around the 50 millions, putting their self like the minority number one in the country of the bars and stars. These numbers tell us, that the Latin countries are increasing the economics problems; for example the lack of job make to the citizens look for a way to save their family, that is why do not exist other way that looking for opportunities in the U.S and according to the census this movement is not becoming stable but on the contrary there continue increasing the persons who go out of his countries and are established in some cities of the United States.
Another point of view very important of this called “American dream” is the type of work that ours fellow-countrymen do in the other side; in fact these aren’t the best jobs that we can imagine, most of all these works are very denigrating and most of the American citizens are not capable of do.
Now although is impossible to believe, the difficult is not being there doing all that kind of stuff, the hardest thing is get there. Most of our people go illegally, fighting with the “polleros” they dedicate to swindle the people sharing exorbitant quantities of money, leave and abuse of them in the desert. Suffering the long distances and the insecurity that lives in the north of the country; all these facts should be take in count to pass the border.
That is for I invite you to reflect about this topic, which looks like a nightmare for all the things that an immigrant has to pass, to give to his family a better quality of life..